Well after my ordeal with having to restart the game from scratch I have finally completed it. The last few areas turned out to be a lot harder then I expected.
I had spent quite a few hours leveling up my characters plus they had some kick ass weapons so I was duel wielding 2 Masamunes (kick ass sword) on all the characters and just steam rolling through all the enemies. That is until I got to the "Jade Passage" which is the second to last area in the game. All of sudden my character were getting the crap beat out of them with each hit they took.
At first I was like WTF. How did I go from bad ass to ass kicked so quickly. Well this mainly had to do with the fact that I had not actually put a shield on my characters so I got the swords so it was no wonder I was getting pummeled so badly. When I finally realized my boneheaded mistake I quickly rectified the situation and put a shield on each of them. After that they were still getting hit hard but nothing I couldn't handle.
So eventually I made it to the last boss and I was totally ready to kick his ass with my bad ass swords. I figured the swords had made mincemeat out of everything so far that this should be cake. And since I figured that way I had not spent any time to level up any type of magic. Well I was surely surprised when I gave that boss a sound slash to the face and it appeared to do very little damage.
At this point I'm thinking oh God I don't want to have to spend more time leveling up magic just to beat this bastard. But even though I was doing not as much damage as I was used to I was still doing somewhat decent damage. And also I was able to keep my characters alive (just barely). And after repeated whackings from my sword to his face and cure/life to my characters I was finally able to win the day. Now its on to Final Fantasy III.
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