Since I started this blog after starting the list I have accomplished a few things and one of them is completing Final Fantasy I.
I started the game on 02/05/08 and finished on 02/12/08. Seven days not to bad I must say. Thankfully I was able to play it on my PSP which really helped. It allowed me to play anytime I happened to have a free minute. Also I've heard the PSP version is easier then the NES version which is fine with me. Same story just easier so I'm ok with that.
As for the game it was nice to see where the series started and how the story worked. Even though the Final Fantasy games are not directly connected its cool to see how each one changed. It was fun to play and since it was on the PSP it had updated graphics which were easy on the eyes. Although part of me wishes I could have played it in all its 8-bit glory. But it would just be to time consuming to play through it on the NES or even an emulated version on my computer.
Well thats one down out of the twelve. So far so good.
Heres some knowledge about Final Fantasy I and also a video.
This is the first part of the gametrailers.com final fantasy retrospective.
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