I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work in the entirety of this blog but I thought I should make sure to place the list somewhere in here. Especially since its the whole reason this blog is being created.
This list has been through quite a few revisions with things being added and removed. However, I finally got it down to a list that I feel contains only the things I really felt I wanted to do.
When i first started the list I had bought 2 books about places to see before I die (1000 places to see before you die world ed & 1000 places to see before you die US and Canada ed). I eventually went through both of them and picked out a bunch of places I wanted to see. Originally my plan was actually all 2000 places but as I started reading through it 2 things dawned on me:
1) Attempting to see 2000 places would be extremely time consuming
2) As I was reading I found there were quite a few places that I personally didn't care to see
I end up still picking a lot of places from the 2 books and added them to the list. As time went on I took a good look at all the places I had added and decided that some of the places I had on my list I didn't really want to see. They just seemed cool when I was trudging through 2000 different places. So I ended up cutting out more places until I finally got to a point where it seemed just right
When I was thinking of things to put on my list I decided to go on the Internets and see what other people had come up with. So thats how I got a lot of other ideas for my list.
So heres the list in all its glory:
Completed Items: 2 of 131
RED = Not Started
ORANGE = In Progress
BLUE = Completed
1) Go skydiving (COMPLETED)
2) Climb a mountain
3) Visit all 50 states (Take a picture next to the Welcome to Sign for that state)
I. Alabama
II. Alaska
III. Arizona
IV. Arkansas
V. California
VI. Colorado
VII. Connecticut
VIII. Delaware
IX. Florida
X. Georgia
XI. Hawaii
XII. Idaho
XIII. Illinois
XIV. Indiana
XV. Iowa
XVI. Kansas
XVII. Kentucky
XVIII. Louisiana
XIX. Maine
XX. Maryland
XXI. Massachusetts
XXII. Michigan
XXIII. Minnesota
XXIV. Mississippi
XXV. Missouri
XXVI. Montana
XXVII. Nebraska
XXVIII. Nevada
XXIX. New Hampshire
XXX. New Jersey
XXXI. New Mexico
XXXII. New York
XXXIII. North Carolina
XXXIV. North Dakota
XXXV. Ohio
XXXVI. Oklahoma
XXXVII. Oregon
XXXVIII. Pennsylvania
XXXIX. Rhode Island
XL. South Carolina
XLI. South Dakota
XLII. Tennessee
XLIII. Texas
XLIV. Utah
XLV. Vermont
XLVI. Virginia
XLVII. Washington
XLVIII. West Virginia
XLIX. Wisconsin
L. Wyoming
4) Go to a Laker game
5) See a baseball game at Fenway Park (Boston)
6) Visit Atlantic City
7) See the Empire State Building
8) Go to Grand Central
9) Eat a New York style Pizza in New York
10) See a game at Wrigley Field
11) See the Indianapolis 500
12) Visit Mount Rushmore
13) Visit Wall Drug Store
14) Visit Yellowstone
15) See the Grand Canyon
16) Go to Aspen
17) Visit Alcatraz
18) Visit Yosemite
19) See the Merrie Monarch Festival
20) Visit Pearl Harbor
21) See Niagra Falls
22) Visit Loch Ness
23) See “Arc De Triomphe” (Paris)
24) See the Eiffel Tower
25) Gamble in the Grand Casino (Monte Carlo)
26) See the Coliseum
27) See the Pantheon
28) View the Last Supper (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
29) Ride in a Gondola in Venice
30) Ride on the train Jungfraujoch (Switzerland)
31) Visit Red Square
32) Ride on the Trans-Siberian Express
33) Visit the North Pole
34) Climb Mount Fuji
35) See the Taj Mahal
36) Visit the Sydney Opera
37) Visit Easter Island
38) See Angel Falls
39) See the Statue of Liberty
40) See Times Square
41) See Ground Zero
42) See a game at Yankee Stadium
43) See the liberty bell
44) Visit the library of Congress
45) Visit the National Archives
46) Visit the National Mall
47) See the White House
48) Watch the Kentucky Derby
49) See a performance at the Grand Ole Opry
50) Eat Chicago Style Pizza in Chicago
51) Go to a football game
52) Learn to play my guitar
53) Learn to play my violin
54) Get married
55) Go on a cruse
56) Go bungee jumping
57) Swim with the dolphins
58) Learn to fly a plane
59) Experience zero gravity
60) Visit an active volcano
61) Go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef
62) Run a marathon
63) Fly first class
64) Learn Japanese
65) See all 8 of the new Wonders of the World
I. See Manchu Pichu (Peru)
II. See the statue of Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)
III. Walk on the Great Wall of China (China)
IV. See Chichen Itza (Mexico)
V. See Petra (Jordan)
VI. See the Coliseum (Italy)
VII. See the Taj Mahal (India)
VIII. See the Great Pyramid (Egypt)
66) See Victoria Falls (Zambia/Zimbabwe)
67) See a show on Broadway
68) Swim with sharks
69) See stone henge
70) See a shuttle launch
71) Ride a motorcycle up the coast
72) Ride in a hot air balloon
73) Tour the Louvre
74) Perform for an audience (COMPLETED)
75) See the aurora Borealis
76) See the Sistine Chapel
77) Learn to surf
78) Learn to Snowboard
79) Run with the bulls (Pamplona)
80) See the World Cup
81) Learn to hula
82) See an opera
83) Step in all 5 oceans
I. Pacific
II. Atlantic
III. Arctic
IV. Indian
V. Southern
84) Visit all 7 continents
I. North America
II. South America
III. Asia
IV. Antarctica
V. Europe
VI. Africa
VII. Oceania
85) Learn to swing dance
86) Live to see my Grandchildren (If I have any)
87) See the ball drop in NYC
88) Learn to play Rhapsody in blue on the piano
89) See a lunar eclipse (COMPLETED)
90) See a solar eclipse
91) Learn to juggle
92) Attend a concert at Carnegie Hall
93) Drive a really fast car
94) Go hang gliding
95) Go on an African Safari
96) Go white water rafting
97) Go horseback riding
98) Travel down route 66
99) Visit a castle
100) Eat at a 5-Star restaurant
101) Go ice skating at Rockefeller Center (New York)
102) Get fit
103) Learn to fence
104) Learn to salsa dance
105) Ride an elephant
106) Go cliff diving
107) Go to Walt Disney World
108) Go to Euro Disney
109) Visit Pearl Harbor
110) Go to Okinawa
111) Ride on a dog sled
112) Travel on the Orient Express
113) Go kayaking
114) Visit Normandy beach
115) Visit Rio De Janeiro during Carnival
116) Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
117) Go to the top of the statue of liberty
118) Stand under a waterfall
119) Eat fresh honeycomb
120) See Halley's comet
121) Go to a World Series game
122) Go to a Superbowl game
123) Go on a carriage ride at night in central park
124) Go to the top of the tallest building in the world
125) Learn to scuba dive
126) Climb the 7 summits
I. Mount Kilimanjaro
II. Mount Elbrus
III. Mount Aconcagua
IV. Carstensz Pyramid
V. Mount Denali
VI. Mount Vinson
VII. Mount Everest
127) Spend the night on a private island
128) Spend the night in the Icehotel
129) Go to Penny Arcade Expo (PAX)
130) Create an overclocked remix of a song
131) *Complete all current Final Fantasy games in numerical order
I. Final Fantasy I (COMPLETED)
II. Final Fantasy II (COMPLETED)
III. Final Fantasy III
IV. Final Fantasy IV
V. Final Fantasy V
VI. Final Fantasy VI
VII. Final Fantasy VII
VIII. Final Fantasy VIII
IX. Final Fantasy IX
X. Final Fantasy X
XI. Final Fantasy X2
XII. Final Fantasy XII